60 page A4 colour booklet for home and community care providers for information about caring for people with MND in the home setting.

Publication update

MND NSW is currently in the process of updating this publication to include the following information about Voluntary Assisted Dying (VAD) which has been adapted from the MND Australia Planning Ahead Fact Sheet, updated July 2024

Voluntary Assisted Dying (VAD) is one choice available to eligible people at end of life. A person may access palliative care and VAD at the same time.

With VAD, a person in the late stages of advanced disease chooses to end their life with medical assistance. VAD is currently legally available in New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria and Western Australia, with strict eligibility criteria. This means people with MND may have access to VAD, should they wish to pursue it. 

The eligibility criteria and process for VAD differs slightly from state to state. If you are thinking about VAD, or would like more information, ask your doctor or healthcare team about it. In some states, doctors or healthcare providers may not be legally allowed to start a conversation about VAD, so you may need to raise the topic.

Source: MND Australia - Planning ahead fact sheet

(c) MND NSW February 2019