We are really happy to see some changes to be piloted by the NDIS in the coming months. We have been advocating hard for these! The proposed changes include no more phone planning, planners who have better understanding of the different types of disabilities and recognition that some groups of people might need extra help navigating the NDIS including people with more complex needs. More info here https://www.disabilityloop.org.au/news/pathway-changes.html

We had a great turn out for the Living Well with MND day held in Wollongong on 17 October. Over 50 people attended and the Wollongong Golf Club was the perfect location with sea and golf club views, but everyone managed to stay inside and listen to the local health care professionals who presented on the day about MND, even with the picture perfect weather.

At MND NSW we have been giving the new eye tracking /eye gaze features in the Microsoft Windows 10 Fall Creators Update 1709 (rolling out October 2017 onwards) a bit of a road test. The short story is that the Eye Control feature in this standard Windows update, when used together with an eye tracking camera (we bought ours for AU$200 - see below), allows you to use your eyes on your Windows computer instead of a keyboard, mouse or touchpad.

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