Every Australian Counts team will be hitting the road from March – May presenting NDIS information forums in NSW regional areas where the NDIS will be rolling out from July. Every Australian Counts is the campaign that brought about the introduction of the National Disability Insurance Scheme and now they are focused on engaging and educating the disability sector and wider Australian community about the benefits of the NDIS and the options and possibilities that it brings. At their NDIS Information Forums in regional areas of NSW in March, April and May 2017 they'll be covering

The ATSA Independent Living Expo will have over 100 exhibitors displaying a wide range of products and services in assistive technology, mobility solutions, pressure care, employment support, accessible recreation/holiday ideas, modified motor vehicles and a lot more. ATSA Independent Living Expo is open to visitors of all ages, including those with a disability, seniors and their families, friends and carers. A key feature of the Expo is the free Conference Program. More info

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