Congratulations to Patti Conway one of our valuable Hunter region volunteers. Patti was recognised as a FINALIST - NSW Volunteer of the Year 2017 at an award ceremony on Tuesday 12 September. This year there was a record number of nominations for the Volunteer of the Year Awards, with almost 110,000 volunteers recognised across the state in all categories. Thank you for all you do for MND NSW - we know you don’t do it for the recognition - but we appreciate your time speaking out and raising awareness and funds for MND NSW.

The European Network to Cure ALS (ENCALS) is a network of ALS/MND centres in Europe. The ENCALS Meeting 2017 was held in Slovenia and free online videos of the international researchers and clinicians presenting advances in research and clinical care are now available. Speakers include Prof Jernej Ule (UK), Dr Federica Agosta (Italy), Dr Russell McLaughlin (Ireland), Dr Thomas Bak (UK), Dr Janine Kirby (UK) and Prof Olivier Hermine (France).

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